3 Tips To Transform Your Perspective & Achieve Your Goals...
Aug 26, 2021
Today's message couldn't be simpler.
How to transform your perspective to turn a task which you might not love into something positive.
H.I.I.T is a great example of this for me. It used to strike terror into my heart. I would procrastinate to the ends of the earth before getting stuck in. I had a bad attitude! Until I decided I didn't.
This might sounds bonkers, but in reality, how we frame things in our minds really affects our outcomes.
It might be something like "I hate cleaning the house" or "I really don't like vegetables".. What I do like is relaxing in a clean, tidy organised space and I do love knowing I am providing my body and brain with lots of nutrients. Sometimes the outcome is worth the struggle!
So, pertaining to H.I.I.T or anything really that isn't your favourite task, reframe your perspective and try to think more about the positive outcomes that are induced by the change in your behaviour.
Here are my 3 tips to help you achieve better outcomes...
e.g I can't wait to feel fitter, stronger and full of endorphins after I have completed this.
Again, might sound a little out there. Focus on breathing in good intentions and exhaling any negative thoughts or feelings. This type of positive manifestation will flip your attitude into a more positive frame of mind.
If you asked me to go for a run, I would ask you a few questions before accepting the invite! How far are we planning to go? Are you happy to work at my pace? Knowing what to expect can help you clearly define what you are aiming for and help you plan for it. This prevents any unnecessary surprises which can dent your confidence and stop you from trying again.
Implementing these 3 tactics can help totally transform your experience into something worthwhile, positive and achievable.
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