Jan 20, 2021

There is a real misconception, particularly with those most committed to a “Gym routine” , that the only solution to a lean, strong, healthy body is hitting the weights HARD for a LONG TIME!

I love a good strength training session, but I am here to teach you a little about the MANY perks of Body weight training and why you should be bringing this into your routine, to avoid stagnation and really see positive physical aesthetic and strength gains! (p.s this is my absolute favourite way to train..)

Here are 5 amazing benefits to Body Weight Training…

You can do it ANYWHERE…

When you ditch the dumbbells, you have the freedom and flexibility to workout anywhere, outside in the sunshine, in your front room, whenever you want, whenever suits you.

This is a game changer as you really can commit to regular workouts without any restrictions.

There is something so wonderfully uplifting about getting out in the fresh air and moving your body, it is so good for your head as well as your health, plus you get the added benefit of soaking up that immune boosting Vitamin D too.

You won’t believe the results you can achieve…

Stability, Joint Health, Stamina, Fat Loss, Increased Muscle Development… Just to name a few of the pro’s.

Body Weight training takes you through lots of different movements which really does allow you to access the full potential of your body and muscles. When you are utilising more of you, you get more out of it.

3 varied Body Weight sessions per week will boost your metabolism and will seriously improve both your cardio vascular capacity and your physical appearance.

Pilates, HIIT, Ballet Barre Class, Body Weight Strength and Conditioning sessions, these will all help you progress to a fitter, stronger, healthier and happier you!

It translates to real life…

Body Weight training really does build the strength to perform everyday life movements with less effort, more ease and more stamina. Be it playing with the kids, lugging laundry, carrying your shopping or even walking to work, this style of training is a practical way to make life easier by encouraging your body to move in more natural movement patterns.

It helps prevent Injuries…

The best way to keep injuries at bay, is to move in pain free movement patterns in a stress free environment.

Working out until you feel like you want to throw up, is not generally a great idea!

When you are participating in a Body Weight session, you can control the intensity and the environment, you will improve your mobility, flexibility, core/ back stability which helps prevent injuries. You are also not overloading your joints with unneccesarily heavy weights.

When I do anything, I always ask myself “What am I trying to achieve..?” Keep your ego in check and make sure you are doing right by yourself, by exercising responsibly within the parameters of your personal capabilities. It is this self-reflection and personal responsibility which will keep you pushing forward along an injury free, positive path!

You will enjoy lots of progress…

You really can drop body fat and build muscle and stamina with Body Weight Training, and the best thing about the exercises, are generally, you can always make them trickier/ easier depending on how you feel. e.g Squats can develop into single leg squats, lunges can become side lunges with a balance e.c.t

There is also a huge variation of movements, so you keep your body interested and challenged.

Trust us and get on board with Body Weight training!

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