Exercise yourself young…

Jan 26, 2021

When you think you are too old to exercise is the time when it’s MOST important you do.

Whatever your age, creating healthy challenges for both brain and body, keeps your mind sharp and your bones strong.

Exercising is a key component in delaying the effects of ageing. Strength training prevents osteoporosis, supports bone health and our immune system, to promote speedier recoveries from illness or injury.

Not only will strength training build super strong bones and bodies, it builds self-confidence and self-belief. It channels a “can do” kind of attitude which inspires both positivity and productivity.

Exercise yourself to glorious, glowing skin.

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and can appear thinner, weaker and looser. To keep the tone of our skin firm and tight, we must develop muscles.

Increased muscle mass stimulates the production of collagen and boosts circulation, which will keep joints feeling healthier and skin will appear fresher, youthful and rejuvenated.

From a hunter gatherer evolutionary perspective, it’s only very recently we have become sedentary and inactive. We have evolved to be fit, capable and strong, without exercise, our bodies and brains just switch off.

It’s as simple as use it or lose it.

The benefits of exercise to delay ageing run so much deeper than just the physical and aesthetic improvements. The mental benefits are astonishing, including improved cognitive thinking and memory, elevated endorphins, improved sleep, reduction in stress and better balance, as well as being an amazing, natural remedy for depression and anxiety and a catalyst for positive mental health and self-esteem.

Take charge of your physical and mental health by doing something which is in your control. Haul your bottom off the sofa and try something active NOW!

Be it a Ballet Barre class, Pilates session, a Swim or a Hike. Try them all until you find a new favourite.

Move more every day and appreciate our amazing, capable bodies!

Tips for starting to take up exercise, whatever your age.

  • Always check with a doctor before starting exercise if you have any worries, concerns or pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Choose an activity or sport which you enjoy, which easily fits into your lifestyle.
  • Just increasing the amount of steps you take in a day will improve your fitness.

Aim to do something active and positive every day.

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