The purpose of Pilates…
Jan 26, 2021The Pilates method was developed by Joseph Pilates over many years, starting in the early 1900's around the first world war.
Forward thinking and a revolutionary, Joseph Pilates’ work influences modern rehab protocols and intuitively understood the benefits of connecting with mind and body to accelerate progress and synonymously develop a strong body and mind.
Pilates is a mind/ body method which addresses the focus on strength, core stability, flexibility, muscular control. Posture, breath and mindfulness. The benefits are wide and widely accepted to help improve:-
- Increased flexibility/ mobility.
- Increased confidence with movement
- Increased body awareness and mindfulness
- Increased postural control and strength in the posterior chain.
It is a great way to exercise, develop strength and fitness, connect with your body, breath and implement concentration to improve quality of movement and mental health, which translates to real life and tasks.
I am a total pilates zealot! (It drives everyone around me mad.. “we get it.. you like it!..”)
The method helps people exercise with focus, control, concentration, endurance, flexibility, balance and precision. It is also a safe and efficient method to encourage all ages/capabilities to participate and reap the physical and mental benefits. Too often we look for the quick fix and seek training methods that take less time, less money, less effort. From experience I’ve seen many people try this approach and it often leads to tissue injuries/ disappointment and disillusion about what benefits positive exercise can have to your life.
My method..
Train with Intention..
What are you trying to achieve..?
You will get out what you put in.. be it flexibility, strength, endurance, improved movement patterns, coordination and proprioception or to cope better with daily stress and strife. Pilates teaches you to approach life with purpose, which will have an undoubted positive effect on your physical and mental health.
Develop control…
The best way to build stability and control is to begin with the basics…
Start with exercises that you can perform with good quality movement patterns and once mastered, progress the demands of the exercise.
Remember, practice doesn’t make perfect.. perfect practice makes perfect, so take the trouble to learn and execute the movements/ exercise beautifully to supercharge your results.
Love your body, know your limitations, push to learn, and have gratitude for your personal commitment to fitness.
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