Why you need to try Reformer Pilates…

Jan 26, 2021

You may think more “50 shades of grey” than thigh, abdominal and butt sculpting exercise machine, but working out on a Pilates Reformer is a hot fave with celebs and athletes alike (Le Bron James and Kate Hudson to name drop a few..), here is why and what to expect when you work out on this wonder machine!

Reformer pilates uses a series of weighted springs and cables to vary the intensity of the movements performed. This means it’s totally adjustable, bespoke and therefore appropriate for everyone, be you a rugby forward, swimming enthusiast or distance runner.

It will improve general strength, flexibility, coordination and balance. Developing these skills improves movement patterns and can help manage back and joint pain as well as have a positive impact on aesthetics. Firmer, leaner, more defined legs, tummy’s and arms are to be expected from this low impact, hybrid cardio/ strength method.

Your workout will be varied and unique and you will connect with muscles in your body you never knew existed!

The reformer is large enough to accommodate full-range motion, which is wonderful for increasing flexibility while building strength and joint stability. It seems to invite the length you want to create in the body, and it trains the body to sustain that length.

Pushing and pulling the arms or legs using the resistance of the springs builds massive amounts of strength, which stimulates the metabolism and drives down body fat, as well as helping prevent osteoporosis.

Eccentric muscular contractions feature often, a useful rehabilitation method for knee and ankle tendonopathy, making this style of low impact exercise an excellent choice for post injury rehab or for chronic lower limb conditions.

The instability of a rolling carriage with the springs set at different levels of resistance provides all kinds of stability challenges that develop core strength and promote better balance.

For example, having less of your body on the carriage is one of the ways to increase the difficulty. It means you have to support more of your body weight requiring more abdominal and core strength.

The stronger the body, the better the balance, personal posture, and overall well-being.

So channel your inner celeb and try out a Reformer session, your body, brain and bottom will thank you for it!

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